Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Naming consistency

I recently had to interface to some code written by another project. My attention was drawn to some data transfer objects (DTOs) and the lack of consistency in naming attributes. A common feature of these DTOs were an object ID and a display text. The object IDs were variously named as id, value, typeCode; often in combination with the class name. The display text were correspondingly named value, name, valueText and the like.
That the attribute "value" might be the Object ID in one class but the display text in another was disturbing. I am unable to guess how many bugs – past, present and future – such naming is responsible for, but I am sure it is many, many. This is the sort of thing that code reviews can pick up; it will come as no surprise to learn that the project in question "did not have time to do code reviews"
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