Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Thinking objects

Thinking in terms objects is so natural for me that I tend to forget that some people don't. Long back, I remeber someone putting ot like this. The world is divided into two; those who see objects in everything and those who can't understand what all the fuss is about. For me, using object is a way of reducing the signal to noise ratio of the code.

That Allows me to concentrate on the interesting bits and delegating the neccessary, but boring details to the objects that have been given those responsibilities. It's another aspect of the DRY principle. A class takes responsibility for certain behaviours, leaving me free to invoke them whenever I have the need.

That saves me having to write the same code snippets time and time again. As they say; laziness is the mother of invention. Great, now I can spend more time doing the interesting bits.


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